Let the Fun Begin

Each day this week we will have a theme where I hope to bring some fun to our work life.

Please look below:

Monday 7/19/21

Make your best PB & J for lunch and dress in the colors of the famous Peanut Butter & Jelly

July 20th, 2021

Do you like sports? If so come in some attire that represents what you sport or sports you enjoy!!!!!

July 21st, 2021

You Funny? You Think? 
Wear your best READ!!! 
Wear a T-Shirt, Hat, or Bib etc. that is a lowkey or loud statement/joke/sarcastic statement!!!! 

July 22nd, 2021

What the SOCK!!!
Let us see those twist mismatched socks
Wear your BEST!!!

July 23rd, 2021

Let's Pair Up
The wheel is coming back for a fraternal twin visit
You and your pair will wear something in relation to a fraternity/sorority of your choice. (together)
Whether it be the colors or actual attire representing your choice

A picture is worth a 1000 words... 
Send me those pictures of any theme you partake in and your name will be entered on the wonderful random wheel chooser.

The more you participate the more your name will appear on the wheel.
We will be rewarding 2 participant winners with LUNCH ON LEADERSHIP!!!

You never know might be a third chosen but we shall see...



  1. I'm so excited for wear your SPORT !!! basketball here I come * cough cough* Steph curry is the west


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