
Showing posts from July, 2021


 ENJOY THE HIGHLIGHTS So Much Fun :) Lets Do It Again August


 Let the Fun Begin Each day this week we will have a theme where I hope to bring some fun to our work life. Please look below: Monday 7/19/21 Make your best PB & J for lunch and dress in the colors of the famous Peanut Butter & Jelly July 20th, 2021 Do you like sports? If so come in some attire that represents what you sport or sports you enjoy!!!!! July 21st, 2021 You Funny? You Think?  Wear your best READ!!!  Wear a T-Shirt, Hat, or Bib etc. that is a lowkey or loud statement/joke/sarcastic statement!!!!  July 22nd, 2021 What the SOCK!!! Let us see those twist mismatched socks Wear your BEST!!! July 23rd, 2021 Let's Pair Up The wheel is coming back for a fraternal twin visit You and your pair will wear something in relation to a fraternity/sorority of your choice. (together) Whether it be the colors or actual attire representing your choice A picture is worth a 1000 words...  Send me those pictures of any theme you partake in and your name will be ente...

July Events 2021

 A New Month Deserves New Events Scroll all the way down to see them all :) July 16th FaceTime Friday All-Day Webex Let's Pair Up: Pair up with someone you believe is COMPLETELY opposite of you and come in dressed like you opposite. Kicker: They get to send you a photo of them in an outfit and you must do your best to mimic the outfit. Not ONLY do you dress like them but throughout the day you are them .  July 19th Let Take A Break From Marvel Laughter is one way to my heart and I hope it is to yours too. Grab that popcorn and drink of choice, sit back and enjoy a film together. July 19th-23rd is College Kidd Week We dont have to be serious all the time, where is the fun in that? Join in on the fun Each day will have a theme for you to partake in and each day will have a winner of some sort. These winners will be placed on the Random Work Wheel. Whomever it lands on will receive lunch on me!!! I will have another blog providing the themes for you to prepare for battle, Be on t...

SELF CARE- Final Thoughts

Mental SELF CARE   We live in a world where there are many options available for us to embrace self-care. Many of us may define self-care in different ways but the end goal is the same.  Mental health self-care  involves activities that help declutter your mind and reduce your stress levels. The definition above is exactly what I wanted for every person within the email department   last week . a lthough   only 25% of our team members   participated in Self-Care week, it was still one of the most thrilling & exciting things we have committed to on this project.  I truly pray that everyone reading this takes their mental state seriously by doing self-care activities or  conducting  self-care audits on themselves. The actions we do such as shopping, working out, listening to music, praying, grooming days, a walk in the park, therapy etc.  are ways that we can mentally  remove ourselves from a chaotic world. If you haven't  ye...